
Environments and age groups
- Our classes, as most Montessori classes have mixed age groups with a three-year range of ages in each class. This accommodates learners working at different paces as well as encouraging kindness and tolerance between/among learners.
- 3-6 years - Preschool: This is the age of the ‘absorbent mind’. Children learn through using the didactic(teaching) materials and also through observation. Children usually prefer working by themselves. The needs of the group are always a foremost consideration.
- 6-9 years - Grades 1 to 3: This is the age of big work, where children can work for long periods of time and enjoy working with one another, in a group. Children also use didactic materials and these lead them towards abstraction.
We offer an optional aftercare service for our learners as well as learners who attend other schools. This service can be utilised on a monthly or daily(fee charged per day) basis as long as the learner is previously registered for it. The programme runs from 12:30 till 17:00, the children are provided with:
- Lunch and an afternoon snack (The menu is halal)
- Supervision and assistance with homework
Independent extra mural activities that take place on the premises
- Kumon Maths and English
- Soccer stars
- Monkeynastix
- Stimuzone